Sunday, November 25, 2018

Assignment 27A Reading Reflection No. 3

The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki

1.) The general theme of this book was how to treat your social media accounts as if it were anything else in your life, one of the examples that Kawasaki provided was that if your softball team keeps losing games because it is a hobby to the team, not a commitment, then that is okay but you can not complain when you do not win any games. This is true for social media as well, if you do not set your social media accounts to be professional and geared towards the people and other accounts that you wish to interact and connect with, then you can not be upset when this does not happen.

2.) In my opinion, this book, The Art of Social Media, relates to what we have learned this past semester in ENT3003 by how it had an emphasis on how your social media is set up and how you are presenting yourself to current and future potential customers. Throughout this course we have had lectures on how to make sure that the way we are presenting ourselves to the world and how we will have our name remembered as will have a huge effect on the customers and business that we have. Not only has Mr. Pryor mentioned this before but so have numerous of the guest speakers that we have had in this course emphasising how important it is to treat your social media accounts very professionally.

3.) If I had to design an exercise for the class relating towards this book it would be a very personal one. I would assign every student to take out their phones and pull up their social media. This book talked about how you should narrow down and limit your social media presence to just two accounts (Ex. Twitter and Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram, etc.) so I feel that a good exercise would be to make each student look at their own social media accounts and decide which two accounts they could narrow down to.

Once the students had picked their two accounts of social media, I would ask them to just take a look at the content that they have posted on those accounts and decide if this was material that future employers and other people would consider "professional" or if the content they were posting on social media would potentially hurt them or cost them a job opportunity in the future.

I would ask the students to have one major takeaway from the activity, if they saw the importance of having their social media platforms be set up in a professional manner, that from now on they would work to filter the content that they were posting.

4.) My biggest 'aha' and surprising moment of the book was that I initially thought from the title that this book would be about bashing social media and talking about how it is destroying society, so to say the least I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was the exact opposite. Instead this book just highlighted on the fact that we need to represent ourselves professionally on social media to become the greatest version of ourselves and entrepreneurs that we can be.

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